Modify Design - Randomize Design
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Stat > DOE > Modify Design > choose Randomize design > Specify

You can randomize the entire design or just randomize one of the blocks. For a general discussion of randomization, see Randomizing the design.


You can use Display Design to switch back and forth between a run order and standard order display in the worksheet.

Dialog box items

Randomize entire design: Choose to randomize the runs in the data matrix. If your design is blocked, randomization is done separately within each block and then the blocks are randomized.

Randomize just block: Choose to randomize one block, then choose the block to randomize from the drop-down list.

Base for random data generator: Enter a base for the random data generator. By entering a base for the random data generator, you can control the randomization so that you obtain the same pattern every time.


If you use the same base on different computer platforms or with different versions of Minitab, you may not get the same random number sequence.

Display the design in run order: Check to update the run order and reorder the rows of the worksheet in the new run order. If not checked, Minitab updates the RunOrder column but does not reorder the rows of the worksheet.

<Columns not to reorder>