Mixture Design - Components
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Stat > DOE > Mixture > Create Mixture Design > Components

You can:

·    Generate the design in units of the actual measurements rather than the proportions of the components

·    Perform a mixture amounts experiment with up to five amount totals

·    Name components

·    Set lower and upper bounds for constrained designs

Dialog box items

Total Mixture Amount: Enter any positive number to express values in terms of actual measurement units rather than expressing measurements as proportions, that is all components sum to 0 and 1. The default value is 1.

Multiple totals (up to 5): Enter up to five positive numbers to perform a mixture amounts experiment.

Component Bounds Specified in Amount (lower and upper are the first total, if you specified more than one)

Name: Enter text to change the name of the components.

Lower: Enter the value of the lower bound constraint for each component.

Upper: Enter the value of the upper bound constraint for each component.

<Linear Constraints> (extreme vertices designs only)