Mixture Designs - Extreme Vertices
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Stat > DOE > Mixture > Create Mixture Design > choose Extreme vertices > Designs

Generates settings for the components in an experiment with an extreme vertices design. You can

·    choose the degree of the design

·    add a center point or add axial points to the interior of the design (by default, Minitab adds these points to the design)

·    replicate the design

Dialog box items

Degree of design: Choose a degree for your design from the drop-down list. The choices available depend on the number of components you chose in the main Create Mixture Design dialog box.

Augment the design with center points: Check to add a center point to the design.

Augment the design with axial points: Check to add axial points to design.

Replicate Design Points:

Number of replicates for the whole design: Choose to replicate the whole design, then choose a number of to 50 for the number of replicates.

Number of replicates for the selected types of points: Choose to replicate only certain types of design points from the base design. Then, under Number, enter the number of replicates for each point type.