Create Mixture Design - Process Variables
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Stat > DOE > Mixture > Create Mixture Design > Process Vars

You can perform a mixture-process variable experiment by including up to seven process variables (factors) in your design. You can also:

·    Specify the type of design (full or fractional factorial designs) and the fraction number to use for fractional factorial designs

·    Name the process variables

·    Set the high and low levels for the process variables. If your process variables could be continuous, use numeric levels; if your process variables are categorical, use text levels.

Dialog box items

Process Variables

None: Choose if you do not want to add any process variables to your design.

Number: Choose to add process variables, then choose the number of variables from the list.

Type of design: Choose the type of design (full or fractional factorial) for the process variables. The available designs depends on the number of process variables.

Fraction number: If you choose a fractional factorial design, you can select the fraction you want to use. By default, Minitab uses the principal fraction.

Process Variable

Name: Enter text to change the name of the process variables. By default, Minitab names the process variables as X1,... ,Xn, where n is the number of process variables.

Type: Choose to specify whether the process variables are numeric or text.

Low: Enter the value for the low setting of each process variable. By default, Minitab sets the low level of all process variables to -1. Process variable settings can be changed to any numeric or text value. If one of the settings for a process variable is text, Minitab interprets the other setting as text.

High: Enter the value for the high setting of each process variable. By default, Minitab sets the high level of all process variables to +1. Process variable settings can be changed to any numeric or text value. If one of the settings for a process variable is text, Minitab interprets the other setting as text.