Define Custom Mixture Design - Lower/Upper
main topic
    see also     

Stat > DOE > Mixture > Define Custom Mixture Design > Lower/Upper

Allows you to store the design parameters in the worksheet and set one or more linear constraints for the set of components.

Dialog box items

Total value matching Lower/Upper bounds: If you have an mixture-amounts experiment, Minitab will enter the smallest value in your amount column. If this is not the value you want, change it to any other total in your amount column.

Lower and Upper Bounds for Components: Choose to set the constraints. By default, Minitab uses the highest and lowest worksheet values.

Component: Shows the component letter designation. This column does not take any input.

Name: Shows the name of the components. This column does not take any input.

Lower: Enter the value for the lower bound constraint for each factor.

Upper: Enter the value for the upper bound constraint for each factor

Store design parameters (totals, bounds, constraints) in the worksheet: Check to store the design parameters (totals, upper and lower bounds of the components, and linear constraints) in separate columns in the worksheet.

<Linear Constraints>