Overlaid Contour Plot - Settings
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Stat > DOE > Mixture > Overlaid Contour Plot > Settings

You can set the holding levels for components that are not in the plot and process variables at their highest, lowest, or middle (calculated median) settings, or you can se specific levels to hold each factor. For mixture designs that include an amount variable, you can specify the hold variable, instead of using the mean as the default.

Dialog box items

Select one of the three settings OR enter your own settings in the table. (Settings represent component unit in worksheet and coded process variable levels.)

Hold components at

Lower bound setting: Choose to set components that are not in the graph at their lowest setting.

Middle bound setting: Choose to set components that are not in the graph at the calculated median setting.

Upper bound setting: Choose to set components that are not in the graph at their highest setting.

Component: Shows all the components in your design. This column does not take any input.

Name: Shows all the names of components in your design. This column does not take any input.

Setting: Enter a value at which to hold each component that is not being plotted. Use the up and down arrows to move in the Setting column.

Hold process variables at

Low setting: Choose to set process variables at their lowest setting.

Middle setting: Choose to set process variables at the calculated median setting.

High setting: Choose to set process variables at their highest setting.

Process Var: Shows all the process variables in your design. This column does not take any input.

Name: Shows all the names of process variables in your design. This column does not take any input.

Setting: Enter a values at which to hold each process variable. Use the up and down arrows to move in the Setting column.

Hold mixture amount at: For mixture designs that include an amount variable, specify the hold value, instead of using the mean as the default.