Overlaid Contour Plot
     data     how to     example     see also  

Stat > DOE > Mixture > Overlaid Contour Plot

Use an overlaid contour plot to draw contour plots for multiple responses and to overlay multiple contour plots on top of each other in a single graph. Contour plots show how response variables relate to three continuous design variables while holding the rest of the variables in a model at certain settings.

Dialog box items


Available: Shows all the responses that have had a model fit to them and can be used in the contour plot. Use the arrow keys to move up to 10 response columns from Available to Selected. (If an expected response column does not show in the Available list, fit a model to it using Analyze Mixture Design.)

Selected: Shows all responses that will be included in the contour plot.

Select components or process variables as axes

3 Components: Choose to display three components on the plot.

X-Axis: Choose a component to display on the x-axis.

Y-Axis: Choose a component to display on the y-axis.

Z-Axis: Choose a component to display on the z-axis.

2 process variables: Choose to display two process variables on the plot.

X-Axis: Choose a process variable to display on the x-axis.

Y-Axis: Choose a process variable to display on the y-axis.

Model Fitted in

Proportion: Choose to refit the model using proportions (the default).

Pseudocomponents: Choose to refit the model using pseudocomponents.

Component Unit in Plot(s)

Amount: Choose to display the plot in amounts (the default).

Proportion: Choose to display the plot in proportions.

Pseudocomponents: Choose to display the plot in pseudocomponents.


