Response Optimizer - Options
main topic
    see also 

Stat > DOE > Mixture > Response Optimizer > Options

Allows you to define a starting point for the search algorithm, suppress display of the optimization plot, and store the composite desirability values.

Dialog box items

Components in design: Displays all the components that have been included in the fitted model. This column does not take any input.

Starting value: To define a starting point for the search algorithm, enter a value for each component. Each value must be between the minimum and maximum levels for that component.

Process variables in design: Displays all the process variables that have been included in the fitted model. This column does not take any input.

Starting value: To define a starting point for the search algorithm, enter a value for each process variable. Each value must be between the minimum and maximum levels for that process variable.

Optimization plot: Uncheck to suppress display of the optimization plot. The default is to display the plot.

Store composite desirability values: Check to store the composite desirability values.

Display local solutions: Check to display the local solutions.