To change input variable settings
main topic

1    Change input variable settings in the optimization plot by:

·    Dragging the vertical red lines to a new position or

·    Clicking on the red input variable settings located at the top and entering a new value in the dialog box that appears.


You can return to the initial or optimal settings at any time by clicking image\mro_opti.gif on the Toolbar or by right-clicking and choosing Reset to Optimal Settings.


For factorial designs with center points in the model: If you move one factor to the center on the optimization plot, then all factors will move to the center. If you move one factor away from the center, then all factors move with it, away from the center.


For a mixture design, you cannot change a component setting independently of the other component settings. If you want one or more components to stay at their current settings, you need to lock them. See To lock components (mixture designs only).