Overlaid Contour Plot
how to     example     see also 

Stat > DOE > Response Surface > Overlaid Contour Plot

Use response surface models to generate an overlaid contour plot. Overlaid contour plots display contour plots for multiple responses in a single graph. Contour plots show how the fitted response relates to two continuous variables.

Applications that involve multiple responses present a different challenge than single response studies. Optimal variable values for one response may be far from optimal for another response. Overlaid contour plots allow you to visually identify an area of compromise among the various responses.  

Minitab generates the graph by calculating fitted responses (z-values) using the x- and y-variables while holding any additional variables constant at the values that you specify in the <Settings> dialog.

See Stored Model Overview for a discussion about how to use stored models.

Dialog box items


Available: Shows all the responses that have had a model fit to them and can be used in the overlaid contour plot. Use the arrow keys to move up to 25 response columns from Available to Selected. If an expected response variable does not show in the Available list, fit a model to it.

Selected: Shows all responses that will be included in contour plot.

Variables: Use to display a graph for a pair (x,y) of continuous predictors that you specify.

X Axis: Choose a predictor from the drop-down list to plot on the x-axis.

Y Axis: Choose a predictor from the drop-down list to plot on the y-axis.

Display plots using

Coded units: Choose to display the plot using coded units.

Uncoded units: Choose to display the plot using uncoded units (the default).




<View Model>