Example of predicting results
main topic
     interpreting results     session command     see also  

Suppose you want to predict results for the golf ball experiment. You identified four controllable factors that you thought would influence golf ball distance: core material, core diameter, number of dimples, and cover thickness. Because you want to maximize the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio and mean, you chose factor settings: liquid core, core diameter of 118, 392 dimples, and the cover thickness of .06.

1    Open the worksheet GOLFBALL2.MTW. The design and response information has been saved for you.

2    Choose Stat > DOE > Taguchi > Predict Taguchi Results.

3    Uncheck Standard deviation and Ln of standard deviation.

4    Click Terms. Make certain that the terms A, B, C, D, and AB are in the Selected Terms box. Click OK.

4    Click Levels.

5    Under Method of specifying new factor levels, choose Select levels from a list.

6    Under Levels, click in the first row and choose the factor level according to the table below. Then, use the key to move down the column and choose the remaining factor levels.











7    Click OK in each dialog box.

Session window output

Taguchi Analysis: Driver, Iron versus Material, Diameter, Dimples, Thickness



Predicted values



S/N Ratio     Mean

  53.6844  276.262



Factor levels for predictions


Material  Diameter  Dimples  Thickness

Liquid         118      392       0.06

Interpreting the results

For the factor settings you selected, the S/N ratio is predicted to be 53.6844 and the mean (the average ball flight distance) is predicted to be 276 yards. Next, you might run an experiment using these factor settings to test the accuracy of the model.