Set ID Variables
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Editor > Set ID Variables

This dialog box allows you to add more information to the brushing palette for each brushed point, and to use the added ID variables for all graphs or just the active graph.

Dialog Box Items:

Variables: Enter columns that will serve as ID variables. The brushing palette shows the added columns for each brushed point.

Use as default for all graphs using this worksheet: Choose to display the ID variables entered in Variables when brushing any graph created with the current worksheet..

Use for this graph only: Choose to display the ID variables entered in Variables when brushing the active graph only. The active graph will not be affected if you check Use as the default for all graphs using this worksheet later in the session.

Include row numbers: Check to show the row number of the brushed point, which is useful for locating the point in the Data window.


To change the ID variables for another graph, make the Graph window active and choose Editor > Set ID Variables, then changing the settings.