Examples of editing the legend
main topic
see also 

In the Example scatterplot with groups, you evaluated the relationship between the voltage remaining in your batteries immediately after a flash and the length of time required for a battery to be ready to support another flash. You want to customize the legend.

Header Font

Change the header font type, make it bold, and increase the size.

1    Double-click the legend.

2    Click the Header Font tab.

3    From Type, choose Franklin Gothic Medium.

4    Under Style, check Bold.

5    From Size, choose 12. Click OK.

Body Font

Change the body font type and increase the size.

1    Double-click the legend.

2    Click the Body Font tab.

3    From Type, choose Franklin Gothic Medium.

4    From Size, choose 12. Click OK.

Body Text

Change the label names.

1    Click the legend.

2    Double-click New.

3    Under Text, type AK-410. Click OK.

4    Double-click Old.

5    Under Text, type AK-210. Click OK.


Delete the header.

1    Click the legend.

2    Click Formulation and press [Delete].

3    Under Hide, choose Row. Click OK.


Change fill color, border type, and border size.

1    Double-click the legend.

2    Under Fill Pattern, choose Custom.

3    From Background Color, choose .

4    Under Borders and Fill Lines, choose Custom.

5    From Type, choose .

6    From Size, choose 2. Click OK.


Move the legend down.

1    Double-click the legend.

2    Click the Location tab.

3    Under Position of a Legend Within a Figure, choose Custom.

4    In X minimum, type 0.76.

5    In Y minimum, type 0.61.

6    In X maximum, type 0.95.

7    In Y maximum, type 0.75. Click OK.