To fit a lowess smoother
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1    In the graph dialog box, click Data View.

2    Click the Smoother tab.

3    Under Lowess Smoothing Parameters, choose Lowess. If you like, do one or both of the following:

·    In Degree of smoothing, enter a number between 0 and 1 for the fraction (f) of the total number of points to use to calculate the fitted values at each x-value. The default is 0.5. See Specifying lowess smoothing parameters.

·    In Number of steps, enter a number from 0 to 10 to specify the number of iterations of smoothing used to limit the influence of outliers. Each step reduces the weight given to outliers in the next iteration. The default is 2.

See Specifying Lowess Smoothing Parameters for details.

4    Click OK in each dialog box.