Data View - Smoother
     how to     examples     see also

... > Data View > Smoother

Graphs that allow this function

Use to fit a lowess smoother to a scatterplot, matrix plot, histogram, or time series plot. You can use a lowess smoother to explore the relationship between two variables without fitting a specific model. After creating a graph, you can:

·    Change the lowess smoothing parameters, add groups, and change the fitted line attributes (see Editing Data Fits Overview).

·    Add a lowess smoother (see Adding Graph Elements).

Dialog box items


None: Choose to suppress the lowess smoother.

Lowess: Choose to display the lowess smoother.

Degree of smoothing: Enter a number between 0 and 1 for the fraction (f) of the total number of points used to calculate the fitted values at each x-value. The default is 0.5. See Specifying lowess smoothing parameters.

Number of steps: Enter a number from 0 to 10 to specify the number of iterations of smoothing to use to limit the influence of outliers. Each step reduces the weight given to outliers in the next iteration. The default is 2. See Specifying lowess smoothing parameters.

<Data Display>


<Distribution> (Histogram only)