Editing Data Fits Overview
    examples     see also 

You can add a line or curve to your graph to represent a theoretical distribution or to visualize general trends. Minitab provides three methods to model your data:

·    Distribution - Fits a theoretical distribution, such as the normal distribution, to the data. You can provide historical estimates of the distribution parameters, or Minitab can estimate the parameters from the data.

·    Regression - Fits a least-squares regression line to the data. You can fit linear, quadratic, or cubic models.

·    Smoother - Fits a lowess curve to the data.

You can add a fitted line while creating a graph, or after the graph is created (see Adding Graph Elements). After creating a graph, you can change the line attributes and fit parameters (see Editing Data Fits Overview).

Data fit

To change...


·    Line type, color, or size - see Edit Distribution Fit - Attributes

·    Grouping variables - see Edit Distribution Fit - Groups

·    Distribution type or historical parameters - see Edit Distribution Fit - Options


·    Line type, color, or size - see Edit Regress Fit - Attributes

·    Grouping variable - see Edit Regression Fit - Groups

·    Model order or fit of the intercept - see Edit Regression Fit - Options


·    Line type, color, or size - see Edit Lowess Smoother - Attributes

·    Grouping variable - see Edit Lowess Smoother - Groups

·    Smoothing parameters - see Edit Lowess Smoother - Options