Examples of editing dots
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    see also

In the Example of a dotplot with stack groups, you compare the variability in camshaft length between two suppliers. You want to customize the dots.


Dot attributes editing is available for marginal plots with dotplots.


Change the dot color for one group.

1    Select and double-click the top group (Supplier B). See Selecting groups and single items for details.

2    Under Symbols, choose Custom.

·    From Color, choose .

3    Click OK.


Switch the stack order.

1    Select and double-click all dots.

2    Click the Options tab.

3    Check Stack dots of innermost categorical variable.

4    Under Show First Group At, choose Top of stack.

5    Click OK.


Change the number of bins.

1    Select and double-click all dots.

2    Click the Binning tab.

3    Under Interval Definition, choose Number of Intervals. Type 40.

4    Click OK.