Edit Categorical Scale Scale
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Select scale > Editor > Edit Scale > Scale

You can alter the placement of ticks and the space between categories in a categorical scale.

Dialog box items

Ticks for Innermost Displayed Category Labels

Tick start: Uncheck to enter a custom tick start point that denotes which categorical position has the first tick. The default is one.

Tick increment: Uncheck to enter a custom increment between ticks. The default is one.

Space Between Scale Categories

Gap within clusters: Uncheck to enter a value from -1 to 1 to adjust the space between items in a cluster. Multiple level scales only.

Gap between clusters: Uncheck to enter a value from 0 to 5 to adjust the space between clusters.

Include empty cells: (Only available with multiple level categorical scales) Check to represent all group level combinations on the graph scale or legend, including those that have no observations (empty cells). Uncheck to exclude these groups from the graph. You cannot undo changes made to this item.

Transpose value and category scales Check to switch the variables that are plotted on each axis.




