To edit line and scale attributes
main topic
    example     see also 

1    Double-click the scale or gridline.

2    Click the Attributes tab.

3    Under Lines, choose one of the following (When editing gridlines, these items will appear under Major Gridlines and Minor Gridlines.):

·    Automatic to accept the default line type and color

·    Custom to pick your own line type and color

-    In Type, choose a line type.

-    In Color, choose a color.

-    In Size, choose a line thickness.

4    If you are editing scale attributes, under Tick Orientation, choose Outside, Inside, or Out and In.

5    In Length of major ticks, enter a value between 0 and 0.05.

6    Check Apply same attributes to all scales to apply your attribute changes to both the x- and y-axes.

7    Click OK.