Scale Overview
     see also

Scale elements provide important points of reference for your data. Each scale consists of an axis line, an axis label, tick marks, and tick labels, although you may not display all these components. Available scale items vary depending on:

·    The type of graph. Time series plots, probability plots, and others contain specialized scale items.

·    Whether the graph scales are continuous or categorical.

After creating the graph, you can:

·    Change the attributes of any of the scale items (see Scale Editing Overview).

·    Add scale items (see Adding a Graph Element).

Graphs that allow this function

Scale item



Axes and Ticks

Specify the placement and display of axes and ticks.


Display major and minor gridlines for both horizontal and vertical axes.

Reference Lines

Display reference lines on both horizontal and vertical axes.

Percentile Lines


Display percentile lines on probability plots and Empirical CDF graphs.

Time Scale

Control time scales and start values with time series plots, area graphs, and control charts.

Secondary Scale

With graph editing, add a secondary scale to overlaid scatterplots and time series plots.