Bar Chart - Options
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Graph > Bar Chart > OK > Chart Options

Use to specify increasing or decreasing bar order, choose a cumulative y-scale, or choose a percent scale for the y-axis. If you have more than one categorical variable, use to specify the grouping level for calculating the scale and to stack data.

Dialog box items

Order Main X Groups By Choose the order for the bars. See Ordering Category Groups Based on Y-Axis Values.

Default: Choose to use the default order for bars. For bar charts of counts of unique values and functions of a variable, the default order is value order, either numeric, chronological, or alphabetical. For bar charts of values from a table, the default order is the order in which the categories appear in the worksheet. To use a different order for text data, see Ordering text categories.

Increasing Y: Choose to order bars from smallest to largest y-values.

Decreasing Y: Choose to order bars from largest to smallest y-values.


If the data have multiple categorical variables, Minitab orders the bars by the sum of chart values for the outermost cluster groups.

Percent and Accumulate

Show Y as Percent: Check to use a percent scale on the y-axis. See Using Percent Scales and Accumulating Y Across X.

Accumulate Y across X: Check to use a cumulative scale on the y-axis. See Using Percent Scales and Accumulating Y Across X.

Take Percent and/or Accumulate If you have two or more categorical variables, specify for which grouping level you want to show y as a percent and/or accumulate y across x. The options available depend on the number of categorical variables you specify. For more information, see Using Percent Scales and Accumulating Y Across X.

Across all categories: Choose to apply a percent scale and/or cumulative scale across all categories.

Within categories at level 1 (outermost): Choose to apply a percent scale and/or cumulative scale within categories at the outermost scale level only.

Within categories at level 2: Choose to apply a percent scale and/or cumulative scale within categories at the second scale level from the bottom only.

Within categories at level 3: Choose to apply a percent scale and/or cumulative scale within categories at the third scale level from the bottom only.