Parametric Distribution Analysis - Options
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Stat > Reliability/Survival > Distribution Analysis (Right Censoring) or Distribution Analysis (Arbitrary Censoring) > Parametric Distribution Analysis > Options

You can specify whether the distribution parameters should be calculated from the data or enter your own historical estimates.

Dialog box items

Estimate parameters of distribution: Choose to estimate the distribution parameters from the data (the default).

Use starting estimates: Enter starting estimates for the parameters. Enter one column of values to be used for all samples, or several columns of values that match the order in which the corresponding variables appear in the Variables box in the main dialog box.

Maximum number of iterations: Enter the maximum number of iterations. The default number of iterations is 20.

Use historical estimates: Enter one column of values to be used for all samples, or several columns of values which match the order in which the corresponding variables appear in the Variables box in the main dialog box.