Parametric Distribution Analysis - Failure Mode
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Stat > Reliability/Survival > Distribution Analysis (Right Censoring) or Distribution Analysis (Arbitrary Censoring) > Parametric Distribution Analysis > FMode

Use to estimate the overall reliability of your system when multiple causes of failure exist in order to investigate the reliability of the individual failure modes. This option is available for both right-censored and arbitrarily censored data.

Dialog box items

Use failure mode columns: Enter the columns containing the failure modes. To represent censored observations in the failure mode column, use an asterisk (*) for numeric columns or a space for text columns.

Failure Mode Options

Use all failure modes: Choose to include all failure modes in the analysis.

Use failure modes: Enter the failure modes to include in the analysis.

Eliminate failure modes: Enter the failure modes to exclude from the analysis.

Create right censored observations using (Only available with arbitrary censoring.) Use to determine how Minitab will create right-censored observations for other failure modes when data are interval censored.

Midpoint of intervals: Choose if a failure for any one failure mode causes the experiment to end.

Right endpoint of intervals: Choose if the experiment continues until the right endpoint when a failure in the interval occurs.

Change Distribution for Levels Use only if distribution is different from that selected in the main dialog box.

Level: Enter failure mode, then choose the corresponding distribution for each failure mode.