Example of a parametric distribution analysis with multiple failure modes
main topic
     interpreting results     session command
     see also 

You are responsible for improving the overall reliability of pressure sensing circuits. Three main components could fail, leading to system failure: sensor, transmitter, and meter. You want to determine which component fails most frequently, so you can redesign it to optimize overall system reliability.

You plan to get this information using Parametric Distribution Analysis (Right Censoring). You can specify a distribution for each failure mode, and Distribution ID Plot (Right Censoring) can help you choose appropriate distributions.

1    Open the worksheet CIRCUIT.MTW.

2    Choose Stat > Reliability/Survival > Distribution Analysis (Right Censoring) > Parametric Distribution Analysis

3    In Variables, enter Weeks.

4    Click FMode.

5    In Use failure mode columns, enter Failure.

6    Under Change Distribution for Levels, type "Meter" in Level and choose Logistic. Click OK.

7    Click Estimate.

8    In Estimate probabilities for these times (values), enter 52. Click OK.

9    Click Results.

10  Check Display analyses for individual failure modes according to display of results. Click OK in each dialog box.

Session window output

Distribution Analysis: Weeks



Variable: Weeks

Failure Mode: Failure = Meter


Censoring Information  Count

Uncensored value          20

Right censored value      60


Estimation Method: Maximum Likelihood


Distribution:   Logistic



Parameter Estimates


                     Standard   95.0% Normal CI

Parameter  Estimate     Error    Lower    Upper

Location    125.102   9.93609  105.627  144.576

Scale       28.2254   4.42553  20.7576  38.3797


Log-Likelihood = -120.771



Anderson-Darling (adjusted) = 2.807



Characteristics of Distribution


                                    Standard   95.0% Normal CI

                          Estimate     Error    Lower    Upper

Mean(MTTF)                 125.102   9.93609  105.627  144.576

Standard Deviation         51.1952   8.02702  37.6502  69.6131

Median                     125.102   9.93609  105.627  144.576

First Quartile(Q1)         94.0931   8.79250  76.8601  111.326

Third Quartile(Q3)         156.111   12.9391  130.750  181.471

Interquartile Range(IQR)   62.0175   9.72388  45.6092  84.3289



Table of Percentiles


                     Standard    95.0% Normal CI

Percent  Percentile     Error      Lower    Upper

      1    -4.59716   17.9949   -39.8666  30.6722

      2     15.2537   15.3544   -14.8404  45.3479

      3     26.9876   13.8859  -0.228249  54.2035

      4     35.4001   12.8918    10.1325  60.6676

      5     41.9939   12.1560    18.1687  65.8192

      6     47.4387   11.5827    24.7370  70.1404

      7     52.0916   11.1214    30.2941  73.8891

      8     56.1657   10.7419    35.1120  77.2194

      9     59.7986   10.4248    39.3663  80.2309

     10     63.0843   10.1571    43.1768  82.9919

     20     85.9732   8.91686    68.4964  103.450

     30     101.187   8.83385    83.8725  118.501

     40     113.657   9.23671    95.5538  131.761

     50     125.102   9.93609    105.627  144.576

     60     136.546   10.8892    115.204  157.889

     70     149.017   12.1464    125.211  172.824

     80     164.231   13.9004    136.986  191.475

     90     187.119   16.8343    154.125  220.114

     91     190.405   17.2757    156.545  224.265

     92     194.038   17.7685    159.212  228.864

     93     198.112   18.3264    162.193  234.031

     94     202.765   18.9697    165.585  239.945

     95     208.210   19.7302    169.539  246.880

     96     214.804   20.6610    174.309  255.298

     97     223.216   21.8619    180.368  266.065

     98     234.950   23.5580    188.777  281.123

     99     254.801   26.4713    202.918  306.684



Table of Survival Probabilities


                     95.0% Normal CI

Time  Probability     Lower     Upper

  52     0.930211  0.860212  0.966522



Distribution Analysis: Weeks



Variable: Weeks

Failure Mode: Failure = Sensor


Censoring Information  Count

Uncensored value          30

Right censored value      50


Estimation Method: Maximum Likelihood


Distribution:   Weibull



Parameter Estimates


                     Standard   95.0% Normal CI

Parameter  Estimate     Error    Lower    Upper

Shape       1.94140  0.259879  1.49338  2.52382

Scale       123.794   12.2154  102.025  150.208


Log-Likelihood = -175.507



Anderson-Darling (adjusted) = 91.130



Characteristics of Distribution


                                    Standard   95.0% Normal CI

                          Estimate     Error    Lower    Upper

Mean(MTTF)                 109.782   10.9545  90.2804  133.496

Standard Deviation         58.9434   10.6368  41.3837  83.9540

Median                     102.497   9.65064  85.2246  123.270

First Quartile(Q1)         65.1613   7.13306  52.5788  80.7549

Third Quartile(Q3)         146.477   15.7691  118.613  180.886

Interquartile Range(IQR)   81.3156   13.6662  58.4949  113.039



Table of Percentiles


                     Standard   95.0% Normal CI

Percent  Percentile     Error    Lower    Upper

      1     11.5781   3.50015  6.40194  20.9393

      2     16.5893   4.26330  10.0248  27.4523

      3     20.4962   4.73212  13.0362  32.2253

      4     23.8331   5.06684  15.7115  36.1529

      5     26.8078   5.32398  18.1641  39.5647

      6     29.5270   5.53063  20.4542  42.6242

      7     32.0543   5.70200  22.6188  45.4258

      8     34.4311   5.84756  24.6824  48.0301

      9     36.6862   5.97362  26.6626  50.4783

     10     38.8408   6.08463  28.5721  52.8000

     20     57.1690   6.82513  45.2417  72.2406

     30     72.7912   7.47376  59.5227  89.0174

     40     87.5857   8.36169  72.6391  105.608

     50     102.497   9.65064  85.2246  123.270

     60     118.343   11.4817  97.8499  143.129

     70     136.215   14.0674  111.255  166.775

     80     158.182   17.8782  126.751  197.407

     90     190.228   24.4207  147.911  244.652

     91     194.663   25.4027  150.732  251.398

     92     199.511   26.4950  153.790  258.825

     93     204.876   27.7261  157.144  267.107

     94     210.910   29.1375  160.880  276.498

     95     217.843   30.7929  165.129  287.385

     96     226.056   32.7983  170.104  300.411

     97     236.246   35.3502  176.196  316.762

     98     249.944   38.8847  184.254  339.052

     99     271.853   44.7671  196.862  375.409



Table of Survival Probabilities


                     95.0% Normal CI

Time  Probability     Lower     Upper

  52     0.830569  0.739583  0.892040



Distribution Analysis: Weeks



Variable: Weeks

Failure Mode: Failure = Transmitter


Censoring Information  Count

Uncensored value          30

Right censored value      50


Estimation Method: Maximum Likelihood


Distribution:   Weibull



Parameter Estimates


                     Standard   95.0% Normal CI

Parameter  Estimate     Error     Lower    Upper

Shape       1.28261  0.193095  0.954874  1.72282

Scale       144.740   23.8150   104.842  199.821


Log-Likelihood = -183.039



Anderson-Darling (adjusted) = 182.536



Characteristics of Distribution


                                    Standard   95.0% Normal CI

                          Estimate     Error    Lower    Upper

Mean(MTTF)                 134.050   24.4633  93.7405  191.693

Standard Deviation         105.314   30.8728  59.2863  187.075

Median                     108.764   16.0672  81.4221  145.288

First Quartile(Q1)         54.7928   8.54532  40.3620  74.3831

Third Quartile(Q3)         186.719   34.8668  129.491  269.238

Interquartile Range(IQR)   131.926   32.1199  81.8633  212.604



Table of Percentiles


                     Standard   95.0% Normal CI

Percent  Percentile     Error    Lower    Upper

      1     4.00834   1.92027  1.56740  10.2506

      2     6.90845   2.77412  3.14468  15.1770

      3     9.51484   3.39586  4.72722  19.1512

      4     11.9552   3.89344  6.31457  22.6343

      5     14.2847   4.31101  7.90653  25.8082

      6     16.5341   4.67205  9.50292  28.7677

      7     18.7226   4.99090  11.1036  31.5698

      8     20.8635   5.27720  12.7083  34.2523

      9     22.9664   5.53779  14.3168  36.8417

     10     25.0385   5.77779  15.9289  39.3576

     20     44.9474   7.65582  32.1900  62.7608

     30     64.7907   9.55387  48.5285  86.5025

     40     85.7314   12.2076  64.8536  113.330

     50     108.764   16.0672  81.4221  145.288

     60     135.203   21.5834  98.8791  184.872

     70     167.279   29.5204  118.366  236.405

     80     209.761   41.6423  142.148  309.533

     90     277.329   63.7330  176.758  435.121

     91     287.173   67.1859  181.552  454.243

     92     298.067   71.0679  186.794  475.626

     93     310.284   75.4941  192.600  499.875

     94     324.219   80.6337  199.133  527.878

     95     340.487   86.7490  206.648  561.008

     96     360.103   94.2806  215.560  601.568

     97     384.957   104.055  226.636  653.876

     98     419.239   117.933  241.555  727.625

     99     476.098   141.866  265.496  853.756



Table of Survival Probabilities


                     95.0% Normal CI

Time  Probability     Lower     Upper

  52     0.764134  0.669288  0.835083



Distribution Analysis: Weeks



Variable: Weeks


Failure Mode: Failure = Meter, Sensor, Transmitter


Censoring Information  Count

Uncensored value          80


Estimation Method: Maximum Likelihood


Distribution:   Logistic, Weibull, Weibull



Table of Percentiles


                      95.0% Normal CI

Percent  Percentile     Lower    Upper

      1    -4.59716  -39.8666  6.07378

      2     2.84665  -9.59128  8.53978

      3     5.22305   1.11119  11.1480

      4     7.25491   2.91884  13.5453

      5     9.09209   4.45669  15.7178

      6     10.7972   5.87296  17.7132

      7     12.4045   7.21348  19.5707

      8     13.9354   8.49992  21.3189

      9     15.4043   9.74470  22.9786

     10     16.8218   10.9559  24.5651

     20     29.3257   22.0054  38.1040

     30     40.3844   32.1542  49.6872

     40     50.9837   42.0538  60.6399

     50     61.6365   52.0704  71.6014

     60     72.7869   62.5445  83.0971

     70     85.0170   73.9422  95.7972

     80     99.4230   87.1502  110.967

     90     119.193   104.718  132.346

     91     121.829   107.003  135.255

     92     124.686   109.465  138.426

     93     127.822   112.150  141.927

     94     131.320   115.122  145.858

     95     135.305   118.483  150.368

     96     139.988   122.397  155.711

     97     145.755   127.170  162.351

     98     153.459   133.475  171.320

     99     165.755   143.393  185.842



Table of Survival Probabilities


                     95.0% Normal CI

Time  Probability     Lower     Upper

  52     0.590373  0.499539  0.675433

Graph window output

Interpreting the results

The overall 52-week circuit reliability is 0.590373. That is, 59% of the circuits survive past 52 weeks. You are 95% confident that the true reliability is between 0.499539 and 0.675433.

The 52-week survival probability for each of the components is: meter, 0.930211; sensor, 0.830569; and transmitter, 0.764134. That is, 93%, 83%, and 76% of the meters, sensors, and transmitters respectively survive past 52 weeks.

To improve the overall reliability, you may need to improve both the sensor and the transmitter.