Parametric distribution analysis commands

You can use all parametric distribution analysis commands for both right-censored and arbitrarily-censored data. The commands include Parametric Distribution Analysis, which performs the full analysis, and creates a Distribution ID Plot and Distribution Overview Plot. These graphs are often used before the full analysis to help choose a distribution or view summary information.



Distribution ID Plot

Right Censored

Arbitrarily Censored

Draws probability plots from your choice of eleven common distributions: smallest extreme value, Weibull, 3-parameter Weibull, exponential, 2-parameter exponential, normal, lognormal, 3-parameter lognormal, logistic, loglogistic, and 3-parameter loglogistic. These plots help you determine which, if any, of the parametric distributions best fits your data.

Distribution Overview Plot

Right Censored

Arbitrarily Censored

Draws a probability plot, probability density function, survival plot, and hazard plot in separate regions on the same graph. These help you assess the fit of the chosen distribution and view summary graphs of your data.

Parametric Distribution Analysis

Right Censored

Arbitrarily Censored

Fits one of eleven common parametric distributions to your data, then uses that distribution to estimate percentiles, survival probabilities, and cumulative failure probabilities. Also draws survival, cumulative failure, hazard, and probability plots.