Distribution Overview Plot (Right Censoring)
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Stat > Reliability/Survival > Distribution Analysis (Right Censoring) > Distribution Overview Plot

Use Distribution Overview Plot to generate a layout of plots that allow you to view your life data in different ways on one graph. You can draw a parametric overview plot by selecting a distribution for your data, or a nonparametric overview plot.

The parametric display includes a probability plot (for a selected distribution), a survival (or reliability) plot, a probability density function, and a hazard plot. The nonparametric display depends on the type of data: if you have right-censored data Minitab displays a Kaplan-Meier survival plot and a hazard plot or an Actuarial survival plot and hazard plot, and if you have arbitrarily-censored data, Minitab displays a Turnbull survival plot or an Actuarial survival plot and hazard plot. These functions are all typical ways of describing the distribution of failure time data.

Minitab estimates the functions independently for each sample. All of the samples display on a single plot, in different colors and symbols, which helps you compare their various functions.

To draw these plots with more information, see one of the Distribution Analysis Commands.

Dialog box items

Variables: Enter the columns of failure times. You can enter up to 50 columns (50 different samples).

Frequency columns (optional): Enter the columns of frequency data.

By variable: If all of the samples are stacked in one column, check By variable, and enter a column of grouping indicators in the box

Parametric analysis: Choose to perform a parametric distribution analysis.

Distribution: Choose one of eleven distributions: smallest extreme value, Weibull (default), 3-parameter Weibull, exponential, 2-parameter exponential, normal, lognormal, 3-parameter lognormal, logistic, loglogistic, or 3-parameter loglogistic.

Nonparametric analysis: Choose to perform a nonparametric distribution analysis.

