Distribution Overview Plot (Right Censoring) - Options
main topic
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Stat > Reliability/Survival > Distribution Analysis (Right Censoring) > Distribution Overview Plot > Options

You can choose the method used to estimate the parameters. You can also define how ties are to be handled, specify the x-axis minimum and maximum, and add your own title.

Dialog box items

Estimation Method

Maximum Likelihood: Choose to estimate the distribution parameters using the maximum likelihood method, which are estimated by maximizing the likelihood function.

Least Squares (failure time(X) on rank(Y)): Choose to estimate the distribution parameters using the least squares (XY) method, which are estimated by fitting a regression line to the points in a probability plot.

Handle tied failure times by plotting:

All points: Choose to plot the cumulative percents for each occurrence of a failure time.

Maximum of tied points: Choose to plot the maximum cumulative percent of identical failure times.

Average (median) of tied points: Choose to plot the median cumulative percent of identical failure times.

Show graphs of different variables or by levels: Choose to display the graphs overlaid on the same graph or on separate graphs.

Minimum and Maximum X Scale

Use default values: Choose to use the default values for the minimum and maximum X scale.

Use: Choose to enter your own values for the X scale minimum and maximum.

Minimum X scale: Enter a value for the minimum X scale.

Maximum X scale: Enter a value for the maximum X scale.

Title: To replace the default title, type the desired text in this box.


To change the method for calculating probability plot points, see Tools > Options > Individual Graphs > Probability Plots.