Probit Analysis - Graphs
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Stat > Reliability/Survival > Probit Analysis > Graphs

You can draw probability, survival, and cumulative failure plots.

You can also plot the Pearson or deviance residuals versus the event probability. Use these plots to identify poorly fit observations.

Dialog box items

Probability Plot: Check to display a probability plot.

Survival plot: Check to display a survival plot.

Cumulative failure plot: Check to display a cumulative failure plot.

Display confidence intervals on above plots: Check to display confidence intervals on the probability, survival, and cumulative failure plots.

Show graphs of different variables or by levels: Choose to display the graphs overlaid on the same page or on separate pages.

Pearson residuals versus event probability: Check to display a plot of the Pearson residuals versus the event probability.

Deviance residuals versus event probability: Check to display a plot of the deviance residuals versus the event probability.