Accelerated Life Test Plans - Right Censoring
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Stat > Reliability/Survival > Test Plans > Accelerated Life Testing > Right Censoring

Use the right-censoring options if your data will be censored in either of these ways:

·    Time-censored - Test each unit for a preset amount of time, which can be different for each stress level.

·    Failure-censored -  Test the units until a preset proportion of failures occurs. The proportion can be different for each stress level.

Dialog box items

Type of Censoring

Time censor for each stress level: Choose for time-censored data, then enter the censoring time for each stress level, in order, from the lowest to the highest. See Time Censoring.

Failure censor at percent of units failed for each stress level: Choose for failure-censored data, then enter the percent of failures at which to begin censoring for each stress level, in order, from the lowest to the highest. See Failure Censoring.