1 Proportion
     how to     example     data     see also  

Stat > Basic Statistics > 1 Proportion

Performs a test of one binomial proportion.

Use 1 Proportion to compute a confidence interval and perform a hypothesis test of the proportion. For example, an automotive parts manufacturer claims that his spark plugs are less than 2% defective. You could take a random sample of spark plugs and determine whether or not the actual proportion defective is consistent with the claim. For a two-tailed test of a proportion:

H0: p = p0   versus   H1: p ≠ p0    where p is the population proportion and p0 is the hypothesized value.

To compare two proportions, use Stat > Basic Statistics > 2 Proportions.

Dialog box items

One or more samples, each in a column: Choose if you have data in columns, then enter the columns containing the sample data. Each cell of these columns must be one of two possible values and correspond to one item or subject. The possible values in the columns must be identical if you enter multiple columns.

Summarized data: Choose if you have summary values for the numbers of trials and events.

Number of events: Enter the number of observed events. If you enter more than one value; the single integer you enter in Number of trials will apply to them all.

Number of trials: Enter a single value for the number of trials.

Perform hypothesis test: Check to perform the hypothesis test that the population proportion is equal to a specified value.

Hypothesized proportion: Enter the value of the proportion for the test's null hypothesis.
