Outlier Test - Options
main topic
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Stat > Basic Statistics > Outlier Test > Options

Use to specify the test, the significance level (also called alpha or a), and the alternative hypothesis.

Dialog box items

Outlier test: Choose the test. Minitab's outlier tests are each designed to detect a single outlier in a sample. The Dixon's ratio options help you detect an outlier in the presence of other suspected outliers. See Choosing the appropriate outlier test for more discussion.

Significance level: Choose the significance level for the test. 0.05 is the most common choice.

What do you want to determine

Smallest or largest data value is an outlier: Use when you are not sure whether the smallest data value or the largest data value might be an outlier.

Smallest data value is an outlier: Use when you suspect that the smallest data value is an outlier.

Largest data value is an outlier: Use when you suspect that the largest data value is an outlier.