Stat > Regression > Fitted Line Plot > Storage
You can store the residuals, fits, and coefficients from the regression analysis. These values are stored in the next available columns, and are assigned column names.
Residuals: Check to store the residuals. The residuals will be in log scale if you transformed the Y variable in the <Options> subdialog box.
Standardized residuals: Check to store the standardized residuals. The standardized residuals will be in log scale if you transformed the Y variable in the <Options> subdialog box.
Deleted t residuals: Check to store the Studentized residuals. The deleted t residuals will be in log scale if you transformed the Y variable in the <Options> subdialog box.
Fits: Check to store the fitted values. The fitted values will be in log scale if you transformed the Y variable in the <Options> subdialog box.
Coefficients: Check to store the coefficients of the regression equation.
Residuals in original units: Check to store the residuals for the transformed response in the original scale of the data. This is only available if you transform the Y variable in the <Options> subdialog box.
Fits in original units: Check to store the fitted values for the transformed response in the original scale of the data. This is only available if you transform the Y variable in the <Options> subdialog box.