Fitted Line Plot - Storage
main topic
    see also 

Stat > Regression > Fitted Line Plot > Storage

You can store the residuals, fits, and coefficients from the regression analysis. These values are stored in the next available columns, and are assigned column names.

Dialog box items

Residuals: Check to store the residuals. The residuals will be in log scale if you transformed the Y variable in the <Options> subdialog box.

Standardized residuals: Check to store the standardized residuals. The standardized residuals will be in log scale if you transformed the Y variable in the <Options> subdialog box.

Deleted t residuals: Check to store the Studentized residuals. The deleted t residuals will be in log scale if you transformed the Y variable in the <Options> subdialog box.

Fits: Check to store the fitted values. The fitted values will be in log scale if you transformed the Y variable in the <Options> subdialog box.

Coefficients: Check to store the coefficients of the regression equation.

Residuals in original units: Check to store the residuals for the transformed response in the original scale of the data. This is only available if you transform the Y variable in the <Options> subdialog box.

Fits in original units: Check to store the fitted values for the transformed response in the original scale of the data. This is only available if you transform the Y variable in the <Options> subdialog box.