Stat > Regression > Stability Study > Predict > Results
Control the level of detail in the display of output to the Session window.
Regression equation: Check to display the equation that Minitab uses to calculate the fitted value. If a fixed batch factor is included in the model, then Minitab displays a separate equation for each batch.
Prediction table: Check to display the fitted values, the confidence interval for the predictions, and the prediction interval.
The following options are displayed when a random batch factor is included in the model:
Fitted equation: Check to display the equations that Minitab uses to calculate the fitted value for any random batch. Minitab also displays a separate equation for each selected batch.
Prediction table for a random batch: Check to display the fitted values, the confidence interval for the predictions, and the prediction interval for any random batch.
Prediction table for a selected batch: Check to display the fitted values, the confidence interval for the predictions, and the prediction interval for each selected batch.