Analyze Factorial DesignGeneral Full Factorial Designs - Table of Means |
Minitab displays fitted means for the factors included in the model. Fitted means are the means for each factor level or combination of factor levels that you can expect to get if your design is balanced.
Example Output |
Fitted Term Mean SE Mean ExCoat None 6.5167 0.0559 Paint 6.7167 0.0559 Plastic 6.9833 0.0559 Alloy A 6.6667 0.0559 B 6.6167 0.0559 C 6.9333 0.0559 ExCoat*Alloy None A 6.5000 0.0968 None B 6.3500 0.0968 None C 6.7000 0.0968 Paint A 6.7000 0.0968 Paint B 6.5000 0.0968 Paint C 6.9500 0.0968 Plastic A 6.8000 0.0968 Plastic B 7.0000 0.0968 Plastic C 7.1500 0.0968 |
Interpretation |
The table below, for the metal part data, may help you visualize the results.
ExCoat |
Alloy |
None |
Paint |
Plastic |
All |
A |
6.5000 |
6.7000 |
6.8000 |
6.6667 |
B |
6.3500 |
6.5000 |
7.0000 |
6.6167 |
C |
6.7000 |
6.9500 |
7.1500 |
6.9333 |
All |
6.5167 |
6.7167 |
6.9833 |
For example:
The analysis of variance table showed significant effects for both exterior coating and alloy. You can see by the table means that: