Acceptance Sampling by Variables - Compare

Sampling Criteria - Sampling Risk


You, the consumer, must work with your suppliers to determine what levels of quality and risk are acceptable.

Acceptable quality level (AQL): The poorest level of quality from a supplier's process that would be considered acceptable as a process average. Typically, people would design a sampling plan that accepts a lot of product at the AQL most of the time.

Rejectable quality level (RQL): The poorest level of quality that the consumer is willing to tolerate in an independent lot. Typically, people would design a sampling plan that rejects a lot of product at the RQL most of the time.

Example Output

Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)          100

Rejectable Quality Level (RQL or LTPD)  600


For the camera data:

Acceptable quality level (AQL): 100 defectives per million will be acceptable as a process average.

Rejectable quality level (RQL): 600 defectives per million will be tolerated on a single lot basis, but not greater than 600 dpm.