Generalized Variance Chart

Test Results - Test Results


The test results indicate points that are beyond the control limits. A failed point indicates that a nonrandom pattern exists in the data that may be the result of special-cause variation. You should investigate these points.

·    When a point fails a test, Minitab reports it in the Session window and marks it on the Generalized Variance chart. A failed point indicates that there is a nonrandom pattern in the data that may be the result of special-cause variation. These points should be investigated.

·    When no points are displayed under the test results, no points failed the tests for special causes.

Example Output

Test Results for Generalized Variance Chart 


TEST. One point beyond control limits.

Test Failed at points:  6


For the plastics data, the test results indicate that subgroup 6 falls outside of the control limits. Investigate why this point is out of control.