Individual Distribution Identification

Data Fitted with 14 Distributions and 2 Transformations - Transformations


Minitab transforms your data to follow a normal distribution using Box-Cox and Johnson transformations. The session output window includes the following transformation details:

·    For the Box-Cox transformation, an optimal value of lambda.

·    For the Johnson transformation, the function used to transform the data.

Example Output

Box-Cox transformation: Lambda = -5.00000


Johnson transformation function:

0.804604 + 0.893699 * Ln( ( X - 46.2931 ) / ( 59.8636 - X ) )


For the calcium data:

·    The optimal value of lambda for the Box-Cox transformation is 5.00000.

·    The Johnson transformation uses this function to transform the data: 0.804604 + 0.893699 * Ln( ( X - 46.2931 ) / ( 59.8636 - X ) ).