Orthogonal Regression

Regression Table - Coefficients


The coefficients table displays the estimated values for the intercept (constant) and the slope. These are the values used in the orthogonal regression equation.

Example Output



Predictor      Coef  SE Coef        Z      P     Approx 95% CI

Constant   -0.63177  1.74010  -0.3631  0.717  (-4.04231, 2.77877)

Standard    1.00689  0.01870  53.8518  0.000  ( 0.97024, 1.04353)


For the glucose data, the estimated value for the intercept is -0.63177. The estimated value for the slope is 1.00689. In orthogonal regression, if the intercept is close to 0 and the slope is close to 1, the two methods most likely provide equivalent measurements.