Orthogonal Regression

Regression Table - Confidence Intervals


Use the confidence intervals for the coefficients to determine if the response and predictor are measuring the same thing. If the confidence interval for the intercept contains 0 and the confidence interval for the slope contains 1, then there is no evidence that the two instruments or methods are not equivalent.

Example Output



Predictor      Coef  SE Coef        Z      P     Approx 95% CI

Constant   -0.63177  1.74010  -0.3631  0.717  (-4.04231, 2.77877)

Standard    1.00689  0.01870  53.8518  0.000  ( 0.97024, 1.04353)


0 is contained in the confidence interval for the intercept (-4.04231, 2.77877), and 1 is contained in the confidence interval for the slope (0.97024, 1.04353). Therefore, no evidence exists that the two instruments measure different things.