Capability Analysis (Binomial) - Storage
main topic
see also 

Stat > Quality Tools > Capability Analysis > Binomial > Storage

Allows you to store you choice of statistics in the worksheet. The statistics available for storage depend on the options you have chosen in the Capability Analysis (Binomial) dialog box.

Dialog box items

Variable name: Check to store the variable name.

Average P: Check to store the average P value.

Lower bound for Average P: Check to store the lower bound for average P value.

Upper bound for Average P: Check to store the upper bound for average P value.

%Defective: Check to store percent of defectives.

Lower bound for %Defective: Check to store the lower bound for the percent of defectives.

Upper bound for %Defective: Check to store the upper bound for the percent of defectives.

Target: Check to store the target value.

PPM Defective: Check to store the parts per million defectives.

Lower bound for PPM Defective: Check to store the lower bound for parts per million defectives.

Upper bound for PPM Defective: Check to store the upper bound for parts per million defectives.

Process Z: Check to store the process Z.

Lower bound for Process Z: Check to store the lower bound for process Z.

Upper bound for Process Z: Check to store the upper bound for process Z.