Example of individual distribution identification
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Suppose you work for a company that manufactures floor tiles, and are concerned about warping in the tiles. To ensure production quality, you measured warping in 10 tiles each working day for 10 days. The distribution of the data is unknown. Individual Distribution Identification allows you to fit these data with 14 parametric distributions and 2 transformations.

1    Open the worksheet TILES.MTW.

2    Choose Stat > Quality Tools > Individual Distribution Identification.

3    Under Data are arranged as, choose Single column, then enter Warping.

4    Choose Use all distributions and transformations. Click OK.

Session window output

Distribution ID Plot for Warping



Descriptive Statistics


  N  N*     Mean    StDev   Median  Minimum  Maximum  Skewness  Kurtosis

100   0  2.92307  1.78597  2.60726  0.28186  8.09064  0.707725  0.135236



Box-Cox transformation: λ = 0.5


Johnson transformation function:

0.882908 + 0.987049 × Ln( ( X + 0.132606 ) / ( 9.31101 - X ) )



Goodness of Fit Test


Distribution                AD       P  LRT P

Normal                   1.028   0.010

Box-Cox Transformation   0.301   0.574

Lognormal                1.477  <0.005

3-Parameter Lognormal    0.523       *  0.007

Exponential              5.982  <0.003

2-Parameter Exponential  3.660  <0.010  0.000

Weibull                  0.248  >0.250

3-Parameter Weibull      0.359   0.467  0.225

Smallest Extreme Value   3.410  <0.010

Largest Extreme Value    0.504   0.213

Gamma                    0.489   0.238

3-Parameter Gamma        0.479       *  1.000

Logistic                 0.879   0.013

Loglogistic              1.239  <0.005

3-Parameter Loglogistic  0.692       *  0.085

Johnson Transformation   0.231   0.799



ML Estimates of Distribution Parameters


Distribution             Location    Shape    Scale  Threshold

Normal*                   2.92307           1.78597

Box-Cox Transformation*   1.62374           0.53798

Lognormal*                0.84429           0.74444

3-Parameter Lognormal     1.37877           0.41843   -1.40015

Exponential                                 2.92307

2-Parameter Exponential                     2.66789    0.25518

Weibull                            1.69368  3.27812

3-Parameter Weibull                1.50491  2.99693    0.20988

Smallest Extreme Value    3.86413           1.99241

Largest Extreme Value     2.09575           1.41965

Gamma                              2.34280  1.24768

3-Parameter Gamma                  2.38984  1.23136   -0.01968

Logistic                  2.79590           1.01616

Loglogistic               0.90969           0.42168

3-Parameter Loglogistic   1.30433           0.26997   -1.09399

Johnson Transformation*   0.01120           0.99495


* Scale: Adjusted ML estimate

Graph window output





Interpreting the results

Minitab displays descriptive statistics, goodness-of-fit test results, and probability plots.

Descriptive statistics - The table of descriptive statistics provides you with summary information for the whole column of data. All the statistics are based on the non-missing (N = 100) values. For these data, m = 2.92307 and s = 1.78597.

Transformations - The Box-Cox transformations uses a lambda of 0.05 and the Johnson transformation function is 0.882908 + 0.987049 * ln((X + 0.132606) / (9.31101 - X)).

Goodness-of-fit test - The table includes Anderson-Darling (AD) statistics and the corresponding p-value for a distribution. For a critical value a, a p-value greater than a suggests that the data follow that distribution. Minitab also includes a p-value for Likelihood ratio test (LRT P), which tests whether a 2-parameter distribution would fit the data equally well compared to its 3-parameter counterpart.

The p-values of >0.25, 0.467, 0.213, and 0.238 indicate that the Weibull, 3-parameter Weibull, largest extreme value, and gamma distributions fit the data well. The Box-Cox (p-value = 0.574) and Johnson transformations (p-value = 0.799) also provide good fits for the data.

Use the LRT P value to determine whether the corresponding 3-parameter distribution improves the fit over the 2-parameter distribution. The LRT P value of 0.225 suggests that the 3-parameter Weibull distribution does not significantly improve the fit compared to the 2-parameter Weibull distribution. The LRT P value of 1.000 suggests that the 3-parameter gamma distribution does not significantly improve the fit compared to the 2-parameter gamma distribution. However, the 3-parameter lognormal improves the fit over the 2-parameter lognormal (LRT P = 0.007) and the 2-parameter exponential improves the fit over the exponential (LRT P = 0.000).

Probability plot - The probability plot includes percentile points for corresponding probabilities of an ordered data set. The middle line is the expected percentile from the distribution based on maximum likelihood parameter estimates. The left and right line represent the lower and upper bounds for the confidence intervals of each percentile.

The probability plots shows that the data points fall approximately on a straight line and within the confidence intervals for the 2-parameter Weibull, 3-parameter Weibull, largest extreme value, and gamma distribution.

If more than one distribution fits your data, see selecting a distribution for guidance. If both normal and nonnormal models fit the data about the same, it is probably better to choose the normal model, since it provides estimates of both overall and within process capability. For other example using these data, see Example of Capability Analysis for Nonnormal Data and Example of Capability Analysis using a Box-Cox Transformation.