Individual Distribution Identification
     how to     example     data     see also 

Stat > Quality Tools > Individual Distribution Identification

Use to evaluate the optimal distribution for your data based on the probability plots and goodness-of-fit tests prior to conducting a capability analysis study. Choose from 14 distributions.

You can also use distribution identification to transform your data to follow a normal distribution using a Box-Cox transformation or a Johnson transformation.

Dialog box items

Data are arranged as

Single column: Choose if data are in one column, then enter a column.

Subgroup size: Enter a number or column of subscripts to specify subgroup sizes.

Subgroups across rows of: Choose if subgroups are arranged in rows across several columns, then enter the columns.

Use all distributions and transformations: Choose to fit your data with each of the 14 parametric distributions and the 2 transformations.

Specify: Choose to specify one to four distributions or transformations to fit your data.

Distribution 1: Check to fit a distribution (default is Normal), then select a distribution of your choice.

Distribution 2: Check to fit a distribution (default is Exponential), then select a distribution of your choice.

Distribution 3: Check to fit a distribution (default is Weibull), then select a distribution of your choice.

Distribution 4: Check to fit a distribution (default is Gamma), then select a distribution of your choice.



