Generalized Variance Chart - Options - Limits
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Stat > Control Charts  > Multivariate Charts > Generalized Variance > Gen Var Options > Limits

Specifies the confidence limit positions for the Generalized Variance Chart.

Dialog box items

Display additional confidence limits at

These percents: Enter one or more values or enter a column of values. Use proportion values (between 0 and 1) or percent values (between 1 and 100).

Place bounds on confidence limits

Lower confidence limit bound: Check to set the lower confidence limit bound, then type the lower limit (must be greater than 0) for the Generalized Variance chart. If the calculated lower confidence limit is less than the lower bound, Minitab draws a horizontal line labeled LB at the lower bound instead.

Upper confidence limit bound: Check to set the upper confidence limit bound, then type the upper limit (must be greater than 0) for the Generalized Variance chart. If the calculated upper confidence limit is greater than the upper bound, Minitab draws a horizontal line labeled UB at the upper bound instead.