Options - Tests
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...  > control chart Options > Tests

Charts     X and R, X and S, X, Individuals, I-MR-R/S (Between/Within), I-MR, Z-MR

Selects a subset of the tests shown in Eight Tests for Special Causes. Each test detects a specific pattern in the data plotted on the chart. The occurrence of a pattern suggests a special cause for the variation, one that should be investigated.

When a point fails a test, Minitab marks it with the test number on the plot. If a point fails more than one test, Minitab marks it by the lowest numbered test.

You can choose to change the color of a control chart when the last row of data causes a new test failure for any point. See Tools > Options > Control Charts and Quality Tools > Other.

You can set preferences for the sensitivity of these tests using Tools > Options > Control Charts and Quality Tools > Tests.

The test results are displayed in the Session window. If the data change and the control chart is live-linked, the test results are not updated in the Session window. See Updating Graphs for more information.

Minitab will perform tests when subgroup sizes are unequal.

See [1] and [32] for guidance on using these tests.

Dialog box items

Tests For Special Causes (default definitions):

Perform all tests for special causes: Choose to perform all eight tests shown below.

Perform the following tests for special causes: Choose to specify a subset of the eight tests, then check any combination of the tests listed below. You may customize particular tests by changing the values of K.



1 point more than K standard deviations from center line

K determines where the control limits are drawn on the chart.


K points in a row on same side of center line


K points in a row, all increasing or all decreasing


K points in a row, alternating up and down


K out of K + 1 points > 2 standard deviations from center line (same side)


K out of K + 1 points > 1 standard deviation from center line (same side)


K points in a row within 1 standard deviation of center line (either side)


K points in a row > 1 standard deviation from center line (either side)


Perform no tests: Choose to perform no tests for special causes.