Contour/Surface Plots - Surface
main topic
see also  

Stat > DOE > Mixture > Contour/Surface Plots > check Surface plot > Setup

Allows you to display components, process variables, and an amount variable on a surface plot.

Dialog box items

Response: Choose a response for the plot.

Components or Process Variables

Select a triplet of components for a single plot: Choose to plot three components.

X-Axis: Choose a component to display on the x-axis.

Y-Axis: Choose a component to display on the y-axis.

Z-Axis: Choose a component to display on the z-axis.

Generate plots for all triplets of components: Choose to generate plots for all triplets of components, each in a separate window.

Select a pair of numeric process variables for a single plot: Choose to generate a surface plot for one pair of process variables.

X-Axis: Choose a process variable to display on the x-axis.

Y-Axis: Choose a process variable to display on the y-axis.

Generate plots for all pairs of numeric process variables: Choose to generate surface plots for all combinations of process variable levels.

Model Fitted in

Proportions: Choose to refit the model in proportions.

Pseudocomponents: Choose to refit the model in

Component Unit in Plot(s)

Amount: Choose to display the components in amounts.

Proportion: Choose to display the components in proportions.

Pseudocomponent: Choose to display the components in pseudocomponents.

