Create Response Surface Design - Box-Behnken Design
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Stat > DOE > Response Surface > Create Response Surface Design > choose Box-Behnken > Designs

You can generate a Box-Behnken design for 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, or 10 factors. You can also block the design and change the number of center points.

Dialog box items

Number of center Points Adds the specified number of center points to the design. If the design is blocked the center points are divided equally among the blocks. If the number specified is not a multiple of the number of blocks, then each of the last few blocks will have one less point than the other blocks.

Default: Choose to have Minitab determine the number of center points based on the design you specified. Minitab displays the default number of center points.

Custom: Choose to specify the number of center points you want to add to your design; then enter the value (up to 50) in the box.

Number of blocks: Choose a value other than 1 to block the design. See Blocking the design.

Number of replicates: Enter a number up to 50.

Block on replicates: Check to block the design on replicates. If your design does not include other blocks, each set of replicates is placed in a separate block. If your design does include blocks, Minitab replicates the blocking scheme, placing replicates in new blocks. For more information, see Blocking a Central Composite Design.