Boxplot - Data View - Data Display
     how to      examples     
see also 

... > Data View > Data Display

Graphs that allow this function

Use to represent the data with one or more data display types, including boxes, symbols, and connect lines. After creating a graph, you can:

·    Change the data display attributes (see Editing Data Display Overview).

·    Add or remove data display types (see Adding Graph Elements).

Dialog box items

Data Display

Median confidence interval box: Check to display a confidence interval box, which shows the 95% (default) confidence interval for the median.

Interquartile range box: Check to display an interquartile range box (default). The box bottom is at the 25th percentile and box top at the 75th percentile.

Range box: Check to display a box that extends from the minimum data value to the maximum data value.

Outlier symbols: Check to represent each outlier with a symbol.

Individual symbols: Check to represent each data point with a symbol.

Median symbol: Check to represent each median with a symbol.

Median connect line: Check to connect the medians of boxplots (only visible if you have categorical variables in the boxplot).

Mean symbol: Check to represent each mean with a symbol.

Mean connect line: Check to connect the means of grouped plots (only visible if you have categorical variables in the boxplot).

Categorical variables for attribute assignment: (Only available if a With Groups option was selected from the boxplot gallery.) Enter up to four columns of grouping variables to assign different attributes to each group of the categorical x-scale variables. You can only use categorical variables included in the boxplot.