Examples of editing interquartile range boxes (boxplot)
main topic
see also 

In the Example of a boxplot with multiple y's and groups, you assess the consistency of plastic pipe diameters. You want to customize the interquartile range boxes.


Assign attributes based on graph variables.

1    Double-click any box.

2    Click the Groups tab.

3    Check Assign attributes by graph variables.

4    Click OK.

5    Double-click the x-scale and click the Show tab.

6   Under Show Labels by Scale Level, uncheck Tick Labels for Graph Variables.

7   Click OK.


Change the fill pattern and color, and fill line color for each group.

1    Select and double-click the blue boxes
(Week 1). See Selecting groups and single items for details.

2    Under Fill Pattern, choose Custom.

·    From Background Color, choose .

3    Click OK.

4    Select and double-click the red boxes
(Week 2).

5    Under Fill Pattern, choose Custom.

·    From Type, choose .

·    From Background color, choose .

6    Select and double-click the yellow boxes (Week 3).

7    Under Fill Pattern, choose Custom.

·    From Background Color, choose  

8    Click OK.


Change the box endpoints and box width.

1    Double-click any box.

2    Click the Options tab.

3    Under Box Endpoints, choose Hinges.

4    Click OK.