Labels Overview
examples    see also 

Graphs that allow this function

When creating a graph, you can display labels to identify and explain your graph or your data points. After creating a graph, you can:

·    Change the label characteristics, such as size, color, and location (see Editing Labels Overview).

·    Add labels (see Adding Graph Elements).


Axis, tick, reference line, and percentile line labels are associated with the graph scale (see Scale Overview). Panel labels are associated with their panels (see Paneling Graphs).

Label type



Titles and Footnotes

Add up to three titles and two footnotes to all graphs. By default, titles appear centered over the graph; footnotes appear at the lower left.

Data Labels

Label individual data points, medians, means, outliers, and endpoints.

Histogram Labels
(Marginal Plot)

Display the frequency for each bar of the histogram.

Slice Labels
(Pie Chart)

Label slices in a pie chart with category names, frequencies, or percents.