Parametric Distribution Analysis (Arbitrary Censoring) - Graphs
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Stat > Reliability/Survival > Distribution Analysis (Arbitrary Censoring) > Parametric Distribution Analysis > Graphs

You can draw a probability plot, a survival plot, cumulative failure plot, and a hazard plot.

Dialog box items

Probability plot: Check to display a probability plot.

Survival plot: Check to display a survival plot.

Cumulative failure plot: Check to display a cumulative failure plot.

Display confidence intervals on above plots: Check to display confidence intervals on the probability, survival, and cumulative failure plots.

Hazard plot: Check to display a hazard plot.

Show graphs of different variables or by levels: Choose to display the graphs overlaid on the same graph or on separate graphs.

Minimum X scale: Enter a minimum value to be contained within your scale.

Maximum X scale: Enter a maximum value to be contained within your scale.

X axis label: Enter text to identify your x-axis.